A common Nordic label
For many years, Asthma-Allergy Denmark has collaborated with the Asthma and Allergy Association in Sweden and the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association. In 2018, the three organisations joined forces and created a common allergy label: Asthma Allergy Nordic.
With the Nordic label, we are utilising the allergy organisations' common knowledge within allergy labelling to create an international benchmark for consumers. The collaboration has allowed us to introduce an allergy label with Nordic roots: A credible label in a world with competing interests, where you as a consumer may have difficulty navigating among the many different labels.
Three organisations, one label
Products with the label of Asthma Allergy Nordic are assessed according to the same principles as those that apply to the Danish Blue Label. Asthma-Allergy Denmark's logo has for many decades been a trustworthy benchmark for consumers. That's why our recognisable logo with the blue wreath is found in both allergy labels. This is an important signal for you as a consumer: The blue wreath is still an aid to an allergy-friendly product selection – also across national borders.
The Blue Label guarantees that the product has been thoroughly reviewed by our specialists, and that it is always free of perfume and other ingredients that are known to pose a special allergy risk. As a consumer, you can feel equally secure regardless of whether you choose one or the other label.
You can see Asthma-Allergy Denmark's logo with the round blue wreath in both our allergy labels, Asthma Allergy Nordic and The Blue Label.
Since 2018, many manufacturers have chosen to change label from The Blue Label to the label of Asthma Allergy Nordic and, by now, the Nordic label is found on most of the allergy-labelled products on the market. So maybe your usual hand soap or body lotion will carry the label of Asthma Allergy Nordic rather than The Blue Label.
Find products with Asthma Allergy Nordic or The Blue Label in Kemilex.
The consumers’ allergy label
Asthma-Allergy Denmark and its Blue Label have always been a non-profit organisation. With the three Nordic non-profit member organisations behind it, the label of Asthma Allergy Nordic is likewise the label of consumers, in contrast to commercial allergy labels, where revenue is part of the goal.
We are one of the leading allergy labels globally, and there is an ever-increasing international interest in our allergy labelling. Generally, there is an increasing focus on the fact that the products we use for our body and at home shall be good for us and safe to use. With the label of Asthma Allergy Nordic, we have the possibility to ensure that our work to prevent and reduce skin allergies may be extended to countries all around the world for the benefit of consumers and public health.
You will find Asthma-Allergy Denmark’s logo with the blue wreath in both the label of Asthma Allergy Nordic and in The Blue Label.